Dr. Rachel B Aarons LCSW
Dr. Aarons has been a psychotherapist for over 40 years. She is specialized in working with trauma using EMDR therapy and the Early Trauma Protocol.
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The Early Trauma Protocol:
Healing Trauma From the Roots Up
This work:
will jump-start a change in the direction of trauma therapy towards a focus on the foundational years of life
will bring healing to those whose insecure attachment led to emotional, behavioral and relational problems later in their lives
will offer therapists a new methodology to heal attachment wounds in their clients and also in themselves
will change the views of the public concerning the treatment of infants and children from conception to age four
The Early Trauma Protocol is a new ground-breaking approach that promises to heal trauma from the roots up. Whether you are a client, therapist, parent, educator or simply someone who is interested in people, the Early Trauma Protocol may be right for you.